Northern Tales 5 Walkthrough

My Brother Rabbit Walkthrough - BDStudioGames. Northern Tales 5: Revival Hidden Objects Locations Part 2 - BDStudioGames.

The popular Northern Tale series continues! Peaceful life in the north was over with the attack of Hesta's henchmen. Vikings fought bravely and pushed the enemies back. The battle against the hordes of evil spirits lasted three days and three nights.

The enemies were strong, but they were confronted by the courage of the heroes. Ragnar must return to Earth from Valhalla to protect his people again!. New Viking locations to explore!. Enjoy exclusive music and wallpapers. Mesozoica 2019. Play through Bonus levels. Rated 5 out of5 bymariekje71 fromIt took me a while, but I love it!

The first levels are a bit chaotic in my opinion. I didn't really like it and I really had to get trough them. After the first levels I really really loved this enstalment. It is fun and challeging but not too difficult. Towards the end the game gets really excellent.


Hang in there and finish. My only minus would be the hidden objects, it took me to a different side with the locations. Next game, please install a walkthrough. But Yes I recommend this game (a lot). Rated 5 out of5 bySestra fromHurrah! Thank goodness the devs had heard of the old adage 'if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it!' This game has all the bits you loved from the last four Northern Tales; from the brilliant music, to the scratching wolves: it's all here.

The graphics have been slightly 'updated', but are pretty much the same. The game is straightforward, you clear, collect and achieve goals, all the while trying to find time to look for those (very!) well hidden caches. There are multiple orders in which you can do things, but only through trial and error will you discover the right one. Needless to say, I loved loved loved it, and can only hope that now Ragnar has been rejuvenated, Odin will find plenty of new quests for him.preferably about every six months:).

Rated 5 out of5 byTooOld2Play fromAnother Winner in the Time Management Category Just like the previous games in this series, it's a great one. It is an extremely challenging game, even in Multi-Click mode (I don't dare try the Expert). Hidden caches add to the challenge and are very difficult to find. The 'search' for the caches takes a lot of time away from game play so BE CAREFUL.The graphics are beautiful and as always there are fun factoids about Vikings in between levels. I love it even though I didn't get 3 stars on most of the levels. A strategy guide would have been nice but this series doesn't have them even in the CE version. 40 levels basic game play with additional 5 levels as bonus.

I just love it. It's a game I will play again and again. Rated 5 out of5 byRishSevtori fromNorthern Tale is finally back! And it is better then ever, quite challenging if you want to get all three stars in every level (still working on it), the secrets are not that easy to find and I really enjoy it. Only minus point: when you played all levels you get additional levels in the extras. As I saw that there were three levels with the title 'Roads of Rome' I was so excited. But they are - although the titles says something different - still Northern Tales, have nothing to do with Roads of Rome.

Was a little bit disappointed about this fact. But nevertheless I strongly recommend Northern Tales 5, it is a lot of fun to play and sometimes quite challenging. Definitely a game you have to play more than once.

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