Rose Online Servers

Rose Online - Private servers, guides, free servers, information Rose Online top 100 Page result: 150 - Private servers, guides, free servers, information Time till toplist reset: 2 weeks, 6 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes from now.

ROSE Online is a free roaming typical level-up based MMORPG featuring anime inspired graphics and 'a very cute game environment in comparison to many other titles on the market.' Players fight monsters, gain character levels, obtain new skills and find equipment to prepare themselves for future battles. Players travel to different planets and explore new environments as well as battle other players and declare wars against other clans. The game features its own in-game economy which is directly controlled by players.

The wonderful 101 gimme. Pegasus-Class Gimme Custom Assault Mech Giga-Goojin - The Wonderful 101 OST - Duration: 4:32. DeoxysPrime 11,960 views. Gimme is one of the main antagonists in The Wonderful 101. He is the Officer First Class of the GEATHJERK Federation, making him the second-in-command of the entire organization. He is the last high-ranking officer encountered in the game, making his debut at the end of Operation 006-C.

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Supply and demand can change each day so it is up to the player to seize the opportunity.You can see the ROSE Online Private Server games list in the Comment section below. You can also add your ROSE Online game server by add post.